Monday, March 29, 2010

Slightly OCD?

Okay, so basically I think I am slightly OCD. Not all the way OCD lol, maybe I just have high standards. It's not with everything, if something has absolutely no chance of being perfect then I won't even try. If you look at my blog page, everything is very nice and neat. I try to use the same signature at the bottom; space space xoxo space space whitney. My bedroom is a prime example, I need a new headboard and want a bookshelf to match my dresser and night table, if it is setting on the floor it is white, if it's on the wall it is black. I currently have to many clothes and not enough space for anything, so basically my bedroom is shot to hell. (visually speaking, of course) Once I get my furniture situation fixed then I will probably work on it. Now that I am thinking about it, I'm not OCD, I like to clean but I do not rely on it. I just worry too much, I will print out three copies of one paper just in case I lose two of them on the walk to class. I constantly look at the program of completion plan for teaching and figure up ways to make my schedule fit perfectly. I just want things to work out, I never truly let myself relax at heart and I almost need to worry about something. Probably makes my IBS worse :/. I also want EVERYONE to like me, in all honesty I do, I just am sometimes to afraid to even try. I am shy too, not so much shy as I don't like to talk about nothing. If I have something real to contribute to the conversation I will, but I will not just yap yap yap for conversations sake. sorry, no thanks. I honestly would love to be friends with everybody, but I honestly like being with 2 or 3 people. I don't mind being alone, I'm quite used to it actually, Coty moved away, my mom works everyday, Jimmy too (we see each other when we both have the chance), I do end up spending alot of time by myself. Yeah, with the way this blog is going there is no way I am OCD. haha.

I guess that is all. I really should start reading my chapter of Dangerous Minds for my Education class I have to teach next week. fun, fun. :)

Since I cannot have a blog without a picture, here you go.

Enjoy that, he is a handsome specimen.




  1. Sometimes I am OCD, too. Mostly, I am a mess. So, I think I am an organized mess! Anyway, I feel ya!

  2. OH, and that is so annoying that the comment is posted by Craft and Tell. I originally wanted that as my blog name. I tried to sign up for it, and it said it was taken, so I picked Sewbowandtell. Then, it says I have both. UGH! Now, I don't know how to get rid of the craft and tell.
